Your Most Basic Prevailing Wants:
Your Life’s Motto:
“I Do Life The FUN Way!”
Some Strengths
Some Weaknesses
Some Loves
Some Hates
Some Typical Blue Sanguine Traits & Characteristics
To clarify some myths and misinformation, your Temperament is NOT your personality.
Your Temperament is innate, hardwired in your DNA and Genetic Structure, and unchangeable.
You actually have an array of personalities that you superimpose on your Temperament. You use different ones in different situations. Personalities are changeable at will.
Here, we’re talking about your Dominant Temperament Type – not your array of personalities.
We use the original Greek term “Sanguine” which was used by Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine, around 2,500 years ago when he first uncovered the Science of Temperaments. In addition, and to make it easier and more memorable, we also use a simple, meaningless color designator for each Temperament Type. Yours is “Blue.”
So you are a “Blue – Sanguine.”
Blue – Sanguine – Life’s a Party & You’re The Life Of The Party
Blue – Sanguines (including you) are the life of the party. Emotional. Demonstrative.
Blue – Sanguines are gregarious, charismatic people-people. They love to be in the spotlight and the center of attention. They’re outgoing, engaging, and energetic.
Blue – Sanguines also love to tell stories. And, if they find one that others like and keeps their attention, they’ll drag it out and repeat it relentlessly…until they find a better one.
Sanguines love to talk, love people, and love to socialize. They can be terrific promoters and quite persuasive. All of those traits keep them in the center of attention…a place they crave.
Blue – Sanguines also love having fun and are, therefore, typically fun to be around. Other people are naturally drawn to Blues.
Blue – Sanguines move through life at breakneck speed. They whirl around from event to event, project to project, party to party, person to person in a flash of fun bright light, striving to make each event and project fun and exciting for themselves and others.
They abhor routine and boredom. They crave spontaneity. They live in the spur of the moment. The minute something becomes the least bit boring to them, they are eager to find something more stimulating and exciting.
Blue – Sanguines are creative, intuitive, and spontaneous. They make quick decisions based on their natural intuition or “gut feelings.” They love to be shown rather than told things and they want to focus on big pictures while avoiding too many details. Facts and details bore them and clog their creative and intuitive juices. They prefer action to analysis.
As a Blue – Sanguine, I encourage you to do all you can to harness your charm, enthusiasm, fun-loving nature, and natural people skills.
Focus on improving those areas. They’re some of your key strengths. They’re what gives you your natural power in the world. They’re what draws people to you, and what sets you apart from the other Temperament Types.
Your natural people skills are needed in virtually any situation. As you become more and more attuned to them, polish them up, and learn to really use them appropriately and effectively, you’ll find they will provide you a with a power base from which to accomplish most anything you set out to do.
As a Blue – Sanguine, it’s important that you recognize, accept, and learn to deal with the fact that you’re a unique, high-voltage person.
It’s equally, if not more, important that you become aware that strengths taken to extremes can become weaknesses, issues, or problems.
For example, your natural gift of gab and love of entertaining others with a good story may be viewed as egotistical, obnoxious, and even rude by some people with different Temperaments.
They’re not as people-oriented as you. They may focus more on facts rather than opinions. They like to get to the point or the bottom line more quickly than you.
As another example, making quick decisions on instinct can be a great asset. However, if you never bother examining relevant facts or details or skim through them, you’re susceptible to making poor decisions. The result? Too many cases of “buyer’s remorse.” And, that includes relationship buyer’s remorse.
By the way, “buyer’s remorse” is more common among Blue – Sanguines than any of the other three Temperament Types.
Be mindful of and grateful for all of your innate strengths. Appreciate them and learn to use them for your benefit and for the benefit of others as much as possible.
Don’t hide them. Don’t avoid them. Don’t ignore them. Just be careful not to overdo them.
As a Blue – Sanguine, you’ll be naturally inclined to be fast-paced, impatient, and big-picture oriented.
As a result, you can have a tendency to lack focus and attention to details. You’re likely to have a naturally short attention span, get bored easily, and may have trouble seeing tasks through to completion. A task that requires a lot of attention to detail and a long completion cycle can easily bore you.
Blues are sometimes accused of being too talkative and poor listeners. They naturally prefer to be the center of attention and love being the ones controlling the conversation, telling their stories, grabbing attention, making everyone laugh, and doing the talking.
If those are some of your natural tendencies, be alert to the fact that everyone isn’t like you. Your desire to be in the spotlight may appear to others to be unabashed, obnoxious egoism.
Although you’re likely the perfect example of an awesome people person, taken to extremes you may also appear insensitive because of talking before thinking.
In addition, because you love a good, interesting, and entertaining story, you (like most Blues) may exaggerate indiscriminately and appear to be insincere or even untruthful. You probably don’t have many qualms about stretching the truth for the sake of making the story more interesting.
Just be aware of these natural traits and tendencies. They can sometimes backfire and cause you problems.
The purpose of our Temperament Type Test and this Profile & Analysis is to educate and teach you, show you, train you, allow you to discover, help you, and support you in bringing all of your natural, innate, hardwired strengths, weaknesses, traits, and characteristics to your consciousness.
And learn to use them in a practical way in your everyday life to help you become the most powerful version of yourself you can be.
It’s to get you to reinvent yourself in any way or ways that will help you Achieve Your Highest Purpose and Reach Your Full Potential.
Exactly how you chose to deal with your strengths, traits, and characteristics is up to your unique circumstances and individuality.
Just a few of your vast array of natural, innate, hardwired Temperament Based Strengths include:
Fun Loving | Extroverted | Social |
Outgoing | Entertaining | Creative |
Fast Paced | Action Oriented | Enthusiastic |
Please grab onto the strengths, traits, and characteristics we’ve revealed to you here.
Consciously start tapping into them at every opportunity. They’re natural for you and the more you’re in sync, in tune, in balance, in alignment, and in harmony with them in everything you do, the easier your life will become and the more effortlessly successful you’ll be.
Every facet of your amazing full potential lives in your Temperament. It’s always with you. So it’s essential that you tap into your Temperament to reach that wonderful, powerful, low-key, full potential of yours.
Every human has their own, unique sets of pains, problems, stresses, insecurities, uncertainties, issues, conflicts, or other negative situations or circumstances. They might be mental, physical, emotional, or even spiritual. You’re facing your own right now or you have or will in the future.
We all have them. Some of us more than others.
To make this discussion easy, let’s lump all of those negative things in a bundle and call them collectively, “Uncertainties.”
You have all the power and strength you need to face and solve or resolve your Uncertainties. You may have lost sight and/or lost touch with power and strength. Maybe you never even knew you had it on a conscious level. And, in any case, you’ve probably never learned to use it fully.
We trust that this Temperament Type Profile & Analysis gives you a good start in finding and rediscovering your powerful strengths and positive traits and characteristics.
Our mission is to help you get back in touch with your genuine, innate, natural strengths, traits, and characteristics. To get back in balance, alignment, and harmony with them. And, to learn to call on them as needed when facing any Uncertainties that might show up in your life.
The problem is that you’re a 100% unique individual. And, whatever Uncertainties you might be facing or may encounter in the future are and will be unique to you.