Your Most Basic Prevailing Wants:
Your Life’s Motto:
“I Do Life The RIGHT Way!”
Some Strengths
Some Weaknesses
Some Loves
Some Hates
Some Typical Red Choleric Traits & Characteristics
To clarify some myths and misinformation, your Temperament is NOT your personality.
Your Temperament is innate, hardwired in your DNA and Genetic Structure, and unchangeable.
You actually have an array of personalities that you superimpose on your Temperament. You use different ones in different situations. Personalities are changeable at will.
Here, we’re talking about your Dominant Temperament Type – not your array of personalities.
We use the original Greek term “Choleric” which was used by Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine, around 2,500 years ago when he first uncovered the Science of Temperaments. In addition, and to make it easier and more memorable, we also use a simple, meaningless color designator for each Temperament Type. Yours is “Red.”
So you are a “Red – Choleric.”
Red – Cholerics are the doers of our world. They just plain get stuff done.
They love a challenge.
They love competition.
They do not sit still. They are on the prowl looking for another project to complete, mountain to climb, or a competitor to pummel into submission.
They want to be the best at whatever they’re doing so they dig in and get it done. And, they try to do it bigger, better, and faster than anyone else to prove they’re the best.
Reds have strong egos.
They strive for bottom-line results and they want those results right now. They have little patience. They multitask so they can get more done faster.
Give a Red a task or job and they’ll see that it gets done quickly. But, don’t dare tell them how to do it. They think they know how…the best way…their way…the only way…and that’s how they’ll do things.
That’s how they go through life.
Red – Cholerics are born to be in charge of everything. They look confident and act in authoritative ways. They will quickly assess what needs to be done and, because they’re outgoing, outspoken, and extroverted, they don’t sit back and wait. They jump right in (or delegate someone to jump right in), control the whole process, and make things happen.
Red – Cholerics have immediate and clear goals. They’ll work very hard and very fast to accomplish those goals.
They’re extremely productive and purposeful. They don’t waste time on trivial matters, feelings, or emotions. To a Red, emotions have little to do with accomplishing the job or task at hand.
They deal in facts, tasks, reality, and results.
Although they move through life and make decisions based on facts and logic, they do not allow themselves to get bogged down by too many details. They like big pictures, bullet points, and accurate summaries. In their view, too many details take too much time.
Red – Cholerics are resourceful, diligent, bottom-line, “get-it-done” people.
As a Red – Choleric, you exude confidence.
You’re DIRECT and have no problem assuming leadership positions, directing others, and delegating responsibilities.
You’re not shy, like to take charge and insinuate yourself in positions of authority. You’ll multitask and work long and hard without complaint.
Reds, in general, and most likely you, in particular, are typically impatient – at least as compared to the other three Temperament Types.
That impatience manifests itself in accomplishing tasks, making quick decisions, and moving through life at breakneck speed. Your competitive instincts, natural desire to “win,” and love for the trappings of success and the rewards of accomplishment drive you to complete lots of work in a short time.
As a Red Choleric, you’re motivated by being challenged…to anything.
If I were to say to you, “I bet you can’t…” it would pretty much ensure that you’d at least give it a try.
You also excel at challenging other people and “the rules.” In fact, deep down, you believe the rules are meant for other people. You’re exempt. Whatever it takes to get the job done is OK with you. If some silly rules get in the way….well, too bad.
You love a challenge. The more obstacles faced, the bigger the challenge, the more determination required, and the more impressive the accomplishment.
You’re likely to be fearless in the face of change, challenges, and risk.
You’re fact and task-oriented and don’t typically make decisions or take action based on emotions, intuition, or instinct. You want the facts, but not necessarily all the details. Bullet points and summaries work best for you.
Once you think you have enough information, you’ll go into action, make quick decisions, and forge ahead to get finish whatever needs to get done. You love to work hard and, more than any of the other Temperaments, may be or become a workaholic.
It’s important that you understand and accept that the traits we’re talking about here are innate, hardwired into you, and manifested in your daily life through your Temperament. They are not good, bad, right, or wrong….they’re just a natural, innate part of you.
Appreciate that you are a dynamic, productive soul. You are outgoing and want to be in charge and in control. You’re not worried about being popular but are motivated to be impressive. You get more done on any given day than any of the other Temperaments. That’s your biggest Power Zone.
Appreciate that you’ll out-work and out-accomplish anyone, especially if you perceive the work as a challenge. You love to win. That’s another Power Zone for you.
Because you like to dominate every situation and control people, you are often seen as a leader. That is another Power Zone that you can learn to capitalize on and consciously put to use in your everyday life to help you achieve success and reach your full potential.
As a Red – Choleric, I encourage you to do all you can to harness your aggressive, “get-it-done” nature.
It’s what draws people to you. It’s what sets you apart from the other Temperaments.
Your natural leadership inclination and skill are needed in virtually any situation. As you become more and more attuned to them, polish them up, and learn to really use them appropriately and effectively (without overdoing it). You’ll find they will provide you with a power base from which to accomplish almost anything you set out to do.
You’re confident, outgoing, a natural leader, express yourself freely, and you’re competitive.
These are all strong, powerful traits. They can take you a long way in life.
However, if you’re not careful, aware, mindful, and not paying attention, taking those strengths to extremes can turn them into negatives. Or, at the least, leave negative impressions on others. They may believe that you’re self-centered, narcissistic, domineering, and insensitive.
You innately and naturally feel that you know everything and can do everything better than anyone else. That means you can exhibit egoism, be overly argumentative, and are typically very difficult to teach or coach…sometimes to work with cooperatively at all.
You can unconsciously overrun, insult, and hurt other people’s feelings, all without the slightest clue, inclination, or realization that you’re doing so.
Be aware of and grateful for all of your innate Temperament based strengths. Appreciate them and learn to use them for your benefit and for the benefit of others as much as possible.
Don’t hide them. Don’t avoid them. Don’t ignore them. Just be careful to not overdo them lest they show up as weaknesses or negatives rather than the powerful strengths your nature intended them to be.
The purpose of our Temperament Type Test and this Profile & Analysis is to educate and teach you, show you, train you, allow you to discover, help you, and support you in bringing all of your natural, innate, hardwired strengths, weaknesses, traits, and characteristics to your consciousness.
And learn to use them in a practical way in your everyday life to help you become the most powerful version of yourself you can be.
It’s to get you to reinvent yourself in any way or ways that will help you Achieve Your Highest Purpose and Reach Your Full Potential.
Exactly how you chose to deal with your strengths, traits, and characteristics is up to your unique circumstances and individuality.
Just a few of your vast array of natural, innate, hardwired Temperament Based Strengths include:
Positive | Driven | Results Oriented |
Confident | Fearless | Leadership |
Fast Paced | Competitive | Dynamic |
Please grab onto the strengths, traits, and characteristics we’ve revealed to you here.
Consciously start tapping into them at every opportunity. They’re natural for you and the more you’re in sync, in tune, in balance, in alignment, and in harmony with them in everything you do, the easier your life will become and the more effortlessly successful you’ll be.
Every facet of your amazing full potential lives in your Temperament. It’s always with you. So it’s essential that you tap into your Temperament to reach that wonderful, powerful, low-key, full potential of yours.
Every human has their own, unique sets of pains, problems, stresses, insecurities, uncertainties, issues, conflicts, or other negative situations or circumstances. They might be mental, physical, emotional, or even spiritual. You’re facing your own right now or you have or will in the future.
We all have them. Some of us more than others.
To make this discussion easy, let’s lump all of those negative things in a bundle and call them collectively, “Uncertainties.”
You have all the power and strength you need to face and solve or resolve your Uncertainties. You may have lost sight and/or lost touch with power and strength. Maybe you never even knew you had it on a conscious level. And, in any case, you’ve probably never learned to use it fully.
We trust that this Temperament Type Profile & Analysis gives you a good start in finding and rediscovering your powerful strengths and positive traits and characteristics.
Our mission is to help you get back in touch with your genuine, innate, natural strengths, traits, and characteristics. To get back in balance, alignment, and harmony with them. And, to learn to call on them as needed when facing any Uncertainties that might show up in your life.
The problem is that you’re a 100% unique individual. And, whatever Uncertainties you might be facing or may encounter in the future are and will be unique to you.