Try it FREE. Experience it for yourself.
You’ll be glad you did
Everything about you, including your “physical body,” is energy. Every cell is. Every tissue and fiber is. Every organ is. Every bone, muscle, tendon, and ligament is. Your brain is. Your heart is. Your thoughts are. Your feelings, emotions, beliefs, and memories are, too. Everything is energy.
Even though your body appears to be material, it is not. Although it takes extremely powerful electron microscopes to see it, your body is little more than a field of moving, flowing, electromagnetic energy.
Getting and staying in Balance and Alignment with the energies of your mind and body are keys to living in a consistent state of Optimal Health and Inner Peace.
Balance and Alignment are the keys to mental and physical wellbeing. They’re instrumental for making quick, profound, lasting corrections and changes in your mind, body, life, and lifestyle.
I’ve personally experienced amazing results using our processes on myself. So has my partner, Birgitte Bradshaw. And, we’ve also been privileged to have been helping others experience the power of our “Mind-Body-Energy Balancing and Aligning Process™” (“MBE-BA”) as well. With fascinating, better than expected, positive results.
We’re convinced that your subconscious mind and your body will respond positively to stimulate, reinforce, and promote positive energy. And it will also respond negatively to any negative energy that finds its way into your system.
When negative energy sneaks into your mind, body, heart, or soul it causes an Imbalance or Misalignment in your normal, healthy, happy, natural functionality. It disrupts your flow.
We believe that every aspect of your mind and body is intimately and holistically connected. If we connect the two halves of your brain (commonly referred to as your “right brain” and “left brain”) and connect your subconscious and conscious minds together for a give and take conversation, your personal, unique whole mind-body-energy continuum can and will take appropriate action to detect, identify, locate, decode, and correct negative Imbalances and Misalignments.
And then, if you consciously get out of the way, your subconscious mind will do whatever it can to release negative, blocking, self-limiting, self-defeating, and self-sabotaging thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
And, as needed, your subconscious self can readjust, rebalance, realign, reset, repair, and restore your mind, body, and energy flow to its healthiest possible state.
This is where we come in. We invite you to use us and our MBE-BA Process, to interpret for and guide your unconscious mind to rebalance, realign, release, and correct dysfunctions that may be causeing you any number of negative symptoms.
Please note that when we use our MBE-BA Process, we do not do any diagnosing, evaluating, judging, or “healing.” Nothing medical. Nothing psychological. Nothing physiological. That’s the job of licensed health care professionals. That’s not our job.
We aren’t healers. We are conduits, interpreters, and mediators between your conscious mind and body and your subconscious mind and body.
We know how to communicate with your subconscious mind. We ask it if there are Imbalances and Misalignment it can correct. And, if so, we ask it to “do its thing” to rebalance, realign, release, reset, remove, and correct whatever is needed for your optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. Your subconscious does all the work. We merely guide and help interpret.
Take a look at the list of exmples at the bottom of this page. It any resonate with you in any way, please take advantage of our FREE Trial MBE-BA Session. No one really “gets” this until they experience it. Experience it. You’ll be glad you did.
Hidden, Underlying, Stuck Emotional Baggage
Misaligned Organs
Muscle Tightness
Stress (Physical, Mental, & Emotional)
Misaligned Bones
Body Image
Wealth/Abundance Issues
Lack of Focus
Grounding Issues
Fear – Specific Or Unknown Causes
Disappointing Relationships
Mysterious Illness
Backaches – Back Pain
Digestive Issues
Eye Problems
PMS Pain
Childhood Abuse/Trauma
Excessive Sorrow
Anger Issues – Anger Management
Trauma (Physical, Mental, & Emotional)
Glandular Issues
Physical Pain
Respiratory Problems
Deficiencies In Magnetic Energy
Goals (Setting & Accomplishment)
Goal Alignment
Communication Skills
Boundaries (Setting & Maintaining)
Lack Self-Confidence
Hip Pain
Locked, Tight, Stiff, Misaligned Joints
Sleep Issues
Feeling Undervalued or Overlooked
Toxins In Your System
Lack Balanced Nutrition
Low Self-Esteem
Low Self-Confidence
Searching for Inner Peace
Sports/Recreation – Improve Your “Game”
Self-Love Concerns
Unexplained Physical Pain
Shoulder Pain
General Restlessness or Uncertainty
Eating Disorders
Parenting Difficulties
Unresolved Grief