Your Energy Healing Service

I Release the Emotional Baggage & Energetic Clutter From Your Past...

So You Can Live Fully In The Present

Your Subconscious Mind and Innate Mind-Body Healing Intelligence Hold the Keys to Your Health, Happiness, And Success.

  • Achieve your full potential for health, prosperity, happiness, and joy when you release your hidden, silent, stuck Emotional Baggage, Energetic Clutter, subconscious blocks, limiting beliefs, old negative programming, and all manner of mental, physical, energetic, and emotional Imbalances and Misalignments.   
  • Reduce and eliminate aches, pains, stress, anxiety, and emotional trauma. Overcome fears, destructive forces, and debilitating subconscious programs that hold you back.
  • Clean out the negatives and thrive on positive rewarding relationships, your dream job or career, effortless success, and ideal satisfaction throughout your life.

Unveiling Your Inner Healer: Take A Journey With Dexter

My Healing Energy Modalities and Protocols ignite your innate healing wisdom and powers to heal you and correct conditions you may be suffering through by accessing the wisdom of your Subconscious Mind-Body Intelligence

This potent force holds the key to uncovering hidden Emotional Baggage, Energetic Clutter, negative blocks, limiting beliefs, and physical, mental, emotional and energetic imbalances that may be causing you pains, problems, and issues while hindering your health and well-being.



I work remotely with your Subconscious Mind to reveal hidden negativity, misalignments, and programming that are buried and stuck in your system and could be adversely impacting your life. Together, your Subconscious and I, identify and release these energetic burdens, creating a clear path for your natural healing abilities to flourish.

Imagine your Subconscious Mind as a powerful, untapped, source of healing energy. As we clear away roadblocks, this energy is free to flow and automatically directd itself towards freeing you from physical, mental, and emotional discomfort and dysfunctions while optimizing your health, balance, alignment, and overall well-being.


Unveiling Your Inner Healer: Take A Journey With Dexter

My Healing Energy Modalities and Protocols ignite your innate healing wisdom and powers to heal you and correct conditions you may be suffering through by accessing the wisdom of your Subconscious Mind-Body Intelligence

This potent force holds the key to uncovering hidden Emotional Baggage, Energetic Clutter, negative blocks, limiting beliefs, and physical, mental, emotional and energetic imbalances that may be causing you pains, problems, and issues while hindering your health and well-being.

I work remotely with your Subconscious Mind to reveal hidden negativity, misalignments, and programming that are buried and stuck in your system and could be adversely impacting your life. Together, your Subconscious and I, identify and release these energetic burdens, creating a clear path for your natural healing abilities to flourish.

Imagine your Subconscious Mind as a powerful, untapped, source of healing energy. As we clear away roadblocks, this energy is free to flow and automatically directd itself towards freeing you from physical, mental, and emotional discomfort and dysfunctions while optimizing your health, balance, alignment, and overall well-being.

A few things you can expect when you decide to work with me.

  • A safe, nonjudgmental, and supportive space for maximizing your full potential in all areas of your life. 
  • Gentle guidance as we release negative energies and restore healthy conditions working directly with your Subconscious Mind.
  • Science backed techniques designed to release negative programs and limiting beliefs.
  • Personalized insights tailored to your unique needs and goals.
  • Empowerment to correct your adverse conditions and activate your self-healing potential.


Unlock Your Natural Healing Potential – How It Works

Ever feel stuck with unresolved issues holding you back? My unique Healing Energy Services harnesses the power of your own Subconscious Mind to unleash your natural healing potential and bring about positive change.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Connecting with Your Inner Wisdom: Remotely (so you never have to worry about making or keeping appointments) I connect my energy with your Subconscious Mind when it signals me it’s ready for some energy work. Then we  in a calm and receptive state, I facilitate it to access your inner wisdom, identify the hidden, buried, stuck emotions that are the underlying reasons and causes of your mental, physical, and emotional challenges.
  2. Identifying Root Causes: I collaborate with you Subconscious Mind to identify underlying imbalances, misalignments, limiting beliefs, negative programming and other negative emotional energies that may be contributing to your issues. And then, together, we clear away energetic blocks – like removing roadblocks on your path to well-being.
  3. Rebalancing and Realignment: Once we understand the intermediate and root causes, we work with your Subconscious MInd to help your  system naturally reset, restore, rebalance, and realign whatever is necessary to allow allow your own powerful Self-Healing knowledge, power, and abilities to kick in, restoring harmony and promoting positive change.

In summary, your Subconscious Mind will clear out mental and emotional clutter, and ignite your body’s natural
healing intelligence to do its magic!

Dex Headshot - Black Background

Dexter Godbey

Your Healing Energy & Subconscious Mind

Expert Practitioner

Ready to embark on your healing journey?

Step one is to book a Free Information Call with me, Dexter, personally. We’ll chat, I’ll answer all your questions, and we’ll see where things go from there. Click here to book your call. Let’s unlock the transformative power within you!!!

Disclaimer: Dexter Godbey is not licensed physical or phycological doctors or professionals. Sometimes mistakenly referred to as “healers” or “energy healers,” they do not diagnose, heal, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional diseases, illnesses, disabilities, or dysfunctions. They do communicate with their clients’ subconscious minds to help identify and resolve mental, physical, energetic, and emotional Imbalances and Misalignments. Once Imbalances and/or Misalignments are identified, they ask their clients’ Subconscious Minda and Subconscious, Innate Mind-Body Healing Intelligences (referred to collectively as the “Subconscious”) to step in and do whatever healing the Subconscious deems to be for the client’s highest and best good. One of their guiding principles is that all healing is self-healing. All Dexter and Birgitte do is help their clients clear away obstacles to their own self-healing.