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The Science Of It

Not Woo-Woo, Mystical, Magical, or Mysterious – Just Practical Science

If you haven’t experienced energy work or something else like this in the past or aren’t familiar with the science behind “energy healing” (including the Quantum Sciences – particularly Quantum Physics – the science of matter and energy at the most fundamental level), this may all seem too unreal to you. Too woo-woo, perhaps.

So….Here are a few science-based facts to help us all “get” the basis of “Healing Energy:”

Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Joe Dispenza’s research and controlled testing show that your subconscious mind controls 95% of your life.

This means that 95% of the decisions you make, the actions you take, your thoughts, your beliefs, your behaviors, and your emotions are controlled by your subconscious mind. 

All Healing Is Self Healing – Ultimately, you’re responsible for your own healing, be it physical, mental, or emotional. You do it every day whether you know it or not. You don’t even notice it because you naturally expect it or it’s out of your realm of consciousness. About 330 billion of your cells are replaced daily. That’s self-heal and self-preservation. It’s one of those seemingly miraculous things that “just happens.” Of course, it’s not miraculous…it’s science. Ancient medical systems were based exclusively on self-healing for tens of thousands of years. You’ve experienced it for yourself if you’ve ever cut yourself in the kitchen, scrapped a knee,  broken a bone, had a headache, felt overly stressed, experienced grief, were afraid of something, or had the flu or a cold, and so on. 

The Problem & Solution

The Problem. Remember, everything is energy and your Subconscious Mind & Subconscious, Natural, Innate Healing Intelligence control everything about you – including self-healing. To make it easy, we combine these concepts/facts together and call them your “Subconscious Healing-Self.”

Why isn’t your Subconscious Healing-Self fixing everything that’s “wrong?” Automatically healing everything that ails you?

It’s because sometimes you sometimes don’t fully process the emotions (energy, frequency, vibration) that you experience. The excess energy gets stuck in your system. It can get stuck anywhere. And, because it’s the wrong frequency vibrating at the wrong rate, it gums up, hinders, or prevents your Subconscious Self-Healing Self from doing its job. These energetic Imbalances and Misalignments can result in negative symptoms that you experience physically, mentally, energetically, and/or emotionally. For Example, headaches, pain in your neck, back, or knees, intense fear, sadness, lingering grief, depleted self-confidence, failures in your relationships or job/business, not living at your fullest potential, shattered self-esteem, lack of motivation, drained energy, and, this list could go on forever because everyone is unique. To make it easy, we combine these aches, pains, discomforts, difficulties, and dysfunctions together as your “Unresolved Issues.” They can be physical, mental, energetic, or emotional. They can get stuck and reside anywhere in your physical, mental, energetic, or emotional body/being.

The Solution.  We use our Mind-Body-Energy Balancing & Aligning Services™ Protocols to direct, guide, and facilitate your Natural Self-Healing Powers to Resolve your Unresolved Issues by doing two things:

  1. We connect and communicate (with your permission and non-invasively) directly with your Subconscious Mind and work with it. We ask it to identify the underlying Imbalances, Misalignments, causes, and reasons for your Unresolved Issues and what’s standing in the way of your Self-Healing.
  2. We then direct your Natural Self-Healing Powers to Rebalance and Realign everything it deems necessary to resolve your unique Unresolved Issues. Simply said, we facilitate getting the negative clutter out of the way and open the door for your own Natural Self-Healing Powers to do their job. 

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Neither Dexter Godbey nor Birgitte Bradshaw are licensed physical or phycological doctors or professionals. Sometimes mistakenly referred to as “healers” or “energy healers,” they do not diagnose, heal, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional diseases, illnesses, disabilities, or dysfunctions. They do communicate with their clients’ subconscious minds to help identify and resolve mental, physical, energetic, and emotional Imbalances and Misalignments. Once Imbalances and/or Misalignments are identified, they ask their clients’ Subconscious Minda and Subconscious, Innate Mind-Body Healing Intelligences (referred to collectively as the “Subconscious”) to step in and do whatever healing the Subconscious deems to be for the client’s highest and best good. One of their guiding principles is that all healing is self-healing. All Dexter and Birgitte do is help their clients clear away obstacles to their own self-healing.