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We Help You Heal Yourself.
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Your Subconscious Mind and Innate Mind-Body Healing Intelligence Hold the Keys to Your Health, Happiness, And Success.

We facilitate communication with your Subconscious Mind and Subconscious Mind-Body Innate Healing Intelligence (your “Subconscious Self”). We’ll get your Subconscious Self to identify and release hidden, stuck, negative energy, programming, blocks, misbeliefs, imbalances, and misalignments. With those negatives out of the way, your self-healing powers can easily and automatically create and direct positive energy wherever it’s needed to optimize your healing, health, and well-being. 

How We Work Together

We use our Mind-Body-Energy Balancing & Aligning Services™ Protocols to direct, guide, and facilitate your Natural Self-Healing Powers to Resolve your Unresolved Issues by doing two things:

  1. We connect and communicate (with your permission and non-invasively) directly with your Subconscious Mind and work with it. We ask it to identify the underlying Imbalances, Misalignments, causes, and reasons for your Unresolved Issues and what’s standing in the way of your Self-Healing.
  2. We then direct your Natural Self-Healing Powers to Rebalance and Realign everything it deems necessary to resolve your unique Unresolved Issues. Simply said, we facilitate getting the negative clutter out of the way and open the door for your own Natural Self-Healing Powers to do their job.

Click Here To Learn About The Science Behind It

  • Achieve your full potential for health, prosperity, happiness, and joy when you release your hidden, silent, stuck Emotional Baggage, subconscious blocks, limiting beliefs, old negative programming, and all manner of mental, physical, energetic, and emotional Imbalances and Misalignments.   
  • Reduce and eliminate aches, pains, stress, anxiety, and emotional trauma. Overcome fears, destructive forces, and debilitating subconscious programs that hold you back.
  • Clean out the negative and thrive on positive rewarding relationships, your dream job or career, effortless success, and ideal satisfaction throughout your life.

Neither Dexter Godbey nor Birgitte Bradshaw are licensed physical or phycological doctors or professionals. Sometimes mistakenly referred to as “healers” or “energy healers,” they do not diagnose, heal, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional diseases, illnesses, disabilities, or dysfunctions. They do communicate with their clients’ subconscious minds to help identify and resolve mental, physical, energetic, and emotional Imbalances and Misalignments. Once Imbalances and/or Misalignments are identified, they ask their clients’ Subconscious Minda and Subconscious, Innate Mind-Body Healing Intelligences (referred to collectively as the “Subconscious”) to step in and do whatever healing the Subconscious deems to be for the client’s highest and best good. One of their guiding principles is that all healing is self-healing. All Dexter and Birgitte do is help their clients clear away obstacles to their own self-healing.