Your Subconscious Mind and Innate Body Intelligence Hold the Keys to Your Health, Happiness, And Success

Achieve your full potential for health, prosperity, happiness, and joy when you release your hidden, silent, stuck Emotional Baggage, blocks, and limiting beliefs.  

Enjoy pain relief. Reduce aches, pains, stress, anxiety, and emotional trauma. Overcome fears, blocks, and limiting beliefs. Thrive on rewarding relationships, your dream job or career, and effortless satisfaction throughout your life.

We help you heal yourself.

The Problem & Solution

Hidden Negative Energy from unresolved emotions and misbeliefs is stuck in your mind and body. This is true for everyone.

That negative energy gums up your works. It’s often the root cause of mental, physical, and emotional pain, discomfort, and dysfunction.

It blocks and interferes with your natural self-healing flow and processes. It keeps your mind and body from effectively doing their main job of keeping you alive and healthy. It causes imbalances and misalignments in your mental, physical, energetic, and emotional 

operating and self-healing systems.

We help you heal yourself. Our non-invasive, science-based, safe energy healing work with your subconscious mind will identify and resolve your negative, stuck energies, emotions, and misbeliefs.

You’ll restore your optimal balance and alignment and free your mental, physical, energetic, and emotional systems to flow and work unobstructed so they can resolve your pain and bring you the abundance, happiness, and joy of life you deserve.

You are so worth it.

How The Mind-Body-Energy Balancing & Aligning Services Work

Dexter Godbey - Expert MBE-BA Mentor & Guide
Dexter Godbey - Expert MBE-BA
Mentor & Guide

You have emotional baggage. Everyone does. It may ultimately present as physical and/or emotional pain or discomfort.

Your emotional baggage is invisible.   But, it’s creating Imbalances and Misalignments in your physical and mental operating systems. They may trigger physical, mental, and emotional pain.  You might experience stress or reduced immunity.  You might face relationship problems, low self-confidence, fears, and phobias. And more. 

Our revolutionary, non-invasive Mind-Body-Energy Balancing and Aligning Process™ will help you: Reduce your emotional baggage. Rebalance and Realign your operating systems. Reestablish your natural healing abilities. Enjoy your optimal mental, physical, energetic, and emotional health.

Click below. Try a 30-Minute Introductory Session and experience it for yourself.

Master Mentor & Guide
Birgitte Bradshaw
Birgitte Bradshaw - Expert MBE-BA
Mentor & Guide